Chinese New Year Decoration

The Chinese New Year is not completed without the graceful and bight color decorations that decorate people's homes during this time. The most preferred colors which used of Chinese New Year decorations are red and gold. Happiness symbolized the red color, while Gold symbolizes prosperity. These two colors are largely used in most Chinese New Year decorations and greeting cards.

Paintings of different type themes are also put up to embellish their homes with a festive look. In addition, the Chinese New Year decoration also include decorate their doors or windows with fortunate Chinese New Year Children picture, generally one boy and one girl, opposite together.

Chinese New Year Decoration Ideas

Chinese New Year Decorations with Maracas, Confetti, Streamers and more Chinese New Year decorations available in many attractive colors and styles. Its that time of the year again when people multitude your house to welcome the New Year with extreme enthusiasm and energy.

Here we provide some ideas that have been making just that perfect New Year for you.

Fortune Balloons : Cut out little pieces of paper and engrave small luck messages and put them in balloons, which can be burst at the time of midnight. You can as well put some amount of sparkle in each balloon as it adds to the energy of the party.

Colorful Candles : Create the right mood in your party by light up colorful candles at different corners. You can make them still brighter by decorating them with kind amounts of sparkle. Take some good colorful candles from the market and make your house warm and pleasant, which is ideal for the party mood.

The Resolution Scrapbook : Tell your guests to write down their New Year resolutions and notice what all interesting and hilarious things they can come up with.