American Holidays

Holidays in America generally include gathering with friends and family, feasting, and celebrating the joy of the holiday and togetherness. Regardless of the particular holiday's roots, this is a general practice. Certainly, traditions and practices change depending upon which holiday people are celebrating. Perhaps the most popular holiday in America is Christmas.

This holiday is celebrated on December 25, which is the celebration of the birth of the baby Jesus. Americans normally mark the occasion with high festivity. Stringing colored lights and decorations outside, receiving and giving gifts from friends and family members, and enjoying a nice toasty cup of hot cocoa to battle the cold outside are some of the common activities. One of the favorite things to do at Christmas is put up the Christmas tree.

It is generally bedecked with sparkling lights and dangling ornaments. Most children in America receive gifts from Jolly Old Saint Nick on Christmas morning. Another favorite American holiday is Halloween. Celebrated on October 31, this holiday has roots that expand back to Pagan Europe when families would leave food out for deceased loved ones.

Regardless of the particular holiday's roots, this is a general practice. Certainly, traditions and practices change depending upon which holiday people are celebrating. Perhaps the most popular holiday in America is Christmas. This holiday is celebrated on December 25, which is the celebration of the birth of the baby Jesus. Americans normally mark the occasion with high festivity. Stringing colored lights and decorations outside, receiving and giving gifts from friends and family members, and enjoying a nice toasty cup of hot cocoa to battle the cold outside are some of the common activities.

List of American Holidays