Valentine's Day Origin

Valentine's day is a day of sharing love and affection among people those love each other and take care too. This love day has great history to its credit as it was first celebrated on February 14 in 470 AD in Rome. It was named after the Christian martyrs, named Saint Valentine.

This is a day, everyone loves to remember and celebrate by sending greeting cards and flowers to their lovers and friends. In 19th century, people love to give a real touch to valentine's day by painting some heart-shaped pictures in greeting cards and handmade cards are extremely popular as it's very touchy and emotional.

Valentine's Day Origin For Her

Valentine's day was named on the name of Christian martyrs in Rome in early 19th century among Christians. Valentine is the name of the priest in Rome, who martyred about 270 AD. This is a perfect day for all those are in love can express their hearty love in front of their lady love.

Boys and girls always try to make it grand by arranging various activities and writing girls names in greeting cards before sending to them. Valentines' day greeting was extremely popular among all middle age group of people, some people send greeting cards, flowers and sweets in order to show their love and care.

February 14 is commonly known as love day or day for sharing your deep affection and care to those you care most of the time. In early 19th century in Rome, it was first celebrated as Saint valentine's day in the memory of Christian martyrs. On this day, whole world comes to celebrate and share their love and emotion towards the people they have known for generations.