Easter Sunday

Easter Sunday is an important day in the lives of Christians as well as many non-Christians who celebrate easter with great respect and joy. As easter sunday is a holiday all over the world but the celebration is mainly observed in the western countries. This day all the Christians gather together for a sunrise service as it is a part of the catholic tradition.

Easter Sunday is the last Sunday after the 40 day period of lent and the week leading up to easter sunday includes both holy Thursday and good Friday. Good Friday is also an important occasion in the Christian calendar because this day jesus was crucified and buried and three days later, is easter Sunday when he rose from the dead solidifying himself as the son of god. Easter Sunday is mainly devoted to lord jesus, who sacrificed his entire life for the bad deeds done by his loved ones.

This day is a religious feast for all the Christian families and they make their level best to celebrate this day with traditions as well as fun by arranging an easter party or a private get together at home with some of the closest friends and relatives.

Easter Sunday 2021

Easter Sunday 2021 is on 16 April. The occasion is soon approaching and many of the Christian families have started shopping for easter. The day is a religious feast when all the family members and friends gather to celebrate the holy festival with true meanings and significance. Some organize an easter party whereas some plan a trip to their favorite tourist destination on the easter Sunday to spend leisure time with family. Easter is a joyous time not only for Christians but also for those not inclined towards formal religion as the occasion also celebrates the beginning of spring, rebirth and new beginnings.

This easter sunday 2021, the special and unique thing you can do is take your kids and entire family to the community egg hunt club so that kids and adults alike, both can enjoy and learn the true meanings, and significance of the occasion. Involving kids for any of your religious occasion is important to keep your traditions alive. So, along with party and fun time together with friends, it is essential that you spend at least a few hours with your kids and family.